
(Songs without Words)

For me, music and photography have always been inextricably linked. Artists use both forms to elicit feelings, narrate stories, or otherwise express the inexpressible.

This idea was stated quite succinctly by Graham Nash who once observed: "To me there's absolutely no difference between photography and music. After all, I'm just playing with frequencies: light or sound."

Photographs have the ability, like music, to express thoughts that are often difficult to put into words.

The images presented in this ongoing portfolio, are an exploration of musical meditations represented by the never-ending ebb and flow of ocean waves as they caress the beach.

Classical composers would often create works intended to put the listener in a state of thoughtful calm or meditation. Music designed for the listener to relax and explore their inner thoughts.

For me, listening to the ocean will produce the same effect. I approached this series in the same vein, listening to the sounds and recording my responses as I listened.

Images in this portfolio are available for purchase. Please contact us for information on sizes and pricing.