Another excursion into the archives…
As I’ve mentioned, I rarely leave home without a camera, and I suppose if I consider that my phone is also a camera, I never really do.
Family lore will have it that there are never people in my photographs.In my personal work, I suppose that is largely true, although I do believe that while you don’t actually see people, their presence is always felt.
But, the image below belies that notion.
Here, the people are actually present.
This picture was made roughly 25+ years ago while attending a family reunion. Jeremy and Christopher are the sons of two of my (many!) cousins. Both boys are now married with children of their own.
I recall watching them try to kick the ball around which, not surprisingly, given their size relative to the ball, wasn’t going very far. Even so, their enthusiasm never waned. Results matter less than just having fun. Such are the ways of the very young.
Looking at this picture now, I go right back to that day, and then further back to when I was that age, and some of the most enjoyable days of my youth spent with my cousins on Sundays and on holidays running, yelling and laughing until we collapsed from exhaustion, or it was time to go home.
Great times. A time of joy and innocence, which I think I’ve been able to capture here.