The late edition of Throwback Thursday
As has been mentioned many times here and in other places, it’s my belief that photographs we make today, are not for today, but for the future. Pictures are the now, talking to the future. They are visual anthropology.
Hoot Gibson’s, Buffalo, NY
The importance of that is illustrated nicely by the picture above.
I walked past Hoot’s place every day of my middle school years. Returning over 40 years later I discovered it looked exactly as I remembered it did then. I was slightly pressed for time, but did stop for a moment to make a couple pictures vowing to return at another time and make some more.
Imagine my disappointment when I did return several months later to discover that the building had been cleaned up, painted, the junk removed, the fence torn down and new electronic signing installed. What were they thinking? How could they do that to me?
At this stage, I shouldn’t need reminding, but in case anyone else might, let me say it here: When you see am opportunity to make a picture, take it! Tomorrow it may be too late…