Another late edition Throwback Thursday…
A new year approaching is often the time when people look back and reflect on the year just ending, examine their lives and look ahead to new beginning, a time to make improvements and to better oneself.
Well, not me.
Not that I couldn’t use some self improvement, but in my view, the new year is just an accounting principle. A way to mark time. Another way to keep score. But what I will do is take the time while things are slow and try to get a little better organized. Finalize plans for the first part of the year; update my portfolios; follow up on leads; and generally try not to obsess over gaps in my schedule. That’s what accountants are for…
While sorting through a storage box of discs, I discovered a scanned roll of film which held the above image. I do not know where I was when I took it. In fact, I have only the vaguest recollection that I did. The envelope has no date or reference number as to the roll of film it came from. The images preceding and following it hold no additional clues.
I simply know nothing about this picture except that I like it, and that will have to be enough for now.
But I do know one thing I will need to keep in mind to improve my life in the years ahead:
I will need to take better notes…