A question often asked of artists is: “How did you come up with that?” Which is just a derivation of: “Where do your ideas com from?” Well, the short answer is: Everywhere.
And I will offer a little context to that by revealing that many times we’re not even aware of where or how the finished project will look, or even that the work we’re doing will even lead to anything. In other words, it’s only after the fact that the project comes together or even makes sense.
Church of the First Born
And even if we think we know what it will end up looking like, it often doesn’t end up that way. What can seem like a great idea in the flash of inspiration that inspired it, will, more often than not, lose it’s lustre at the finish.
Downton Abbey
The pictures above are from my Driving Home project, but were made several years before I even knew that it would be a project.