Reflections Pt. 2
It’s kind of a convoluted story how I came to be included in this years edition of Eyes on Main Street. But in the Readers Digest version, I had applied to the portfolio reviews as part of the Month of Photography put on by the Colorado Photographic Center. One of the reviewers I had requested was Carol Johnson, who happened to be one of the curators for the EOMS.
After being assigned to her, Carol reviewed my website and digging deeply into it, discovered Kids at Play.
Who knew?
Speaking about my work. Image courtesy Fran DeRespinis (c) 2023
The lesson here, if there is a lesson, is you never know what the actions you take today will lead to tomorrow, or next month, next year, or 10 years from now. That’s why it’s not always as important what you do, it’s that you DO IT.
Get out there. Make work. Share your work. Damn the torpedos. Damn the critics.
Find a way to say “YES!” Embrace serendipity.
To be sure, the road is often full of twists and turns, ups and downs, and potholes too, but as the wise man Yogi Berra once said: “When you come to a fork in the road, take it!”