Reflections Pt. 1
I was in Wilson, NC this past weekend for the opening of the Eyes on Main Street exhibit. As I mentioned in my last post, I was humbled and honored to be curated into the show. This is the 9th year of the exhibit and there have been only 625 artists from around the world to be chosen. Rare air for sure.
Artist walk as part of the Eyes on Main Street
As we were walking there were several artists there who took a few minutes to talk about their work. In many cases the work was from a specific project that they had worked on. Occasionally, there was an image included with some historical background, or an image like mine, included to add a little different flavor.
Generally speaking, work made for projects tends to be intentional. Photographers are out shooting on a mission. They are actively looking for content. In fact, many of the photographers exhibited traveled to a specific destination to make the work. And, if all goes well, the images will be presented as a body of work, either in an exhibit, a book, or both. My image, being a one-off, has been exhibited (several times) and if the planets align properly, be included in a book.
It was only much later that evening, while basking in the glow of my inclusion, that it occurred to me that my image was in fact from a body of work.
My lifes’ work.