Our haul from the archives this week brings a few favorites I’ve not looked at in a while.
One of the things about being around photographing for this length of time is not just the abundance of material in the back catalog but the perspective it gives you looking back. Hindsight, they say, is 20-20.
Can’t you just feel the love?
I’ve mentioned a few times in this space how it took several years before I was able to find my “voice” as a photographic artist. Like most, early in my career I tried to do things like many of the successful photographers of the day. While I admire many of those artists, I never felt comfortable working as they did. And, needless to say, my work hardly measured up. And why would it? The cover band rarely sounds better than the original.
It’s one thing to think you know what you need to do, and it’s entirely another to get out and do it. I remember being very unsure of myself as I gradually let my work evolve to where I could honestly call it my own. Of course, with the benefit of hindsight, it all seems so predestined. The perfect path. Who knew?
This little guy couldn’t be more relaxed as he waits for his turn on stage…
Because I do love a grand love story, I’ll illustrate this weeks thoughts with a few wedding pictures. The two images above and the one below are everything that a wedding photographer would never do in those days. Grainy black & white? High speed films? Shallow depth of field?Motion blur? TOY CAMERAS??? A kid yawning? Are you kidding me? What kind of “pro” does that? Who’s gonna buy any of those?
Well, those are all the wrong questions. The real question should be: With what tools in my kit can I best tell my clients story?
Once I had that part worked out, the answers just flowed, and I finally felt like I had something that belonged to me. Sometimes it’s not enough to just ask questions. It’s more about knowing what questions to ask.
He won’t appreciate this moment until he’s a little older…
I just LOVE these three pictures. They tell such a great story. Seeing them now takes me right back to the moment I made them.
While I may be a little fuzzy on the names, the emotion of the moment has never left. And that’s what makes for a powerful story.