Wednesday Wisdom
“Photography is a strange phenomenon; you trust your eye and cannot help but bare your soul.” – Inge Morath
Wednesday Wisdom
“No matter how isolated you are and how lonely you feel, if you do your work truly and conscientiously, unknown friends will come and seek you.” – Carl Jung
Wednesday Wisdom
“…in the end, you won’t remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing the lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain.” – Jack Kerouac
Wednesday Wisdom
“Curiosity is insubordination in it’s purest form”
- Vladimir Nabokov
Wednesday Wisdom...
“You cannot depend on your eyes, when your imagination is out of focus. “
- Mark Twain
Wednesday Wisdom...
“When people look at my pictures I want them to feel the way they do when they want to read a line of a poem twice.”
“The eye should learn to listen before it looks.”
“There are too many images, too many cameras now. We’re all being watched. It gets sillier and sillier. As if all action is meaningful. Nothing is really all that special. It’s just life. If all moments are recorded, then nothing is beautiful and maybe photography isn’t an art anymore. Maybe it never was”
“Above all, life for a photographer cannot be a matter of indifference”
- Robert Frank
In memory of Robert Frank who died yesterday at the age of 94.
(I couldn’t pick my one favorite, so here are four. There could have been many more…